Founded in 1981, Northern New Jersey Chinese Association Chinese School (NNJCACS) has been a leading institution in bringing quality Mandarin Chinese language courses to students in Northern New Jersey. Classes are held at Montville High School every Sunday from 2:00 PM to 4 PM since 1985. We currently offer Kindergarten to 10th Grade classes for students from Chinese speaking families, and Chinese as Second Language (CSL) classes from Level I through Level VIII and CSL Adult class for students from non-Chinese speaking families.

   新澤西州北新中文學校創校於1981 年,為新州北部美華聯誼會所屬的中文學校。本校為 一非營利組織,十多年來為華裔子弟及社區人士提供了一個學習中國傳統文化的良好環境。

   本校現以 Montville Township High School 為校址,上課時間為每周日下午二時至四點,除兩小時語文課程外,並有一小時的文化課。本校現有學生約一百名,招收年滿四歲以上的學生,設有唱遊班、注音班、及一年級到十年級傳統中文班,並另開設兒童雙語班 (CSLChinese as 2nd Language) 及成人雙語班。

   本校傳統中文班教授正體字,注音班至五年級的教學以注音符號為主,六年級以上則輔以漢語拼音教學,使本校學生能熟悉此二主流中文拼音系統。現以美洲華語課本為教材。雙語班則以教授正體字及漢語拼音為主,”My First Chinese Reader”(快樂兒童華語)為 Level I to Level VII 的教材,CSL-AP 班則以”Integrated Chinese”為主要教材。在文化課方面包括:空手道班、兒童繪畫基礎班、兒童素描班、兒童舞蹈班、中國書畫班、笛子班、扯鈴班、兒童珠花班、中國棋藝班、文化常識班。文化常識班教授中國歷史、人文地理、風俗倫理等等。  

Latest Information

** Registration for NNJCACS 2024 - 2025 ** 

Language Class + Culture Class Registration Form / 學年註冊表

If you have any question regarding registration, please contact
It’s that time of the year again!  Below is the class registration link to register for next year.  I do hope I will see everyone back at Chinese School next year.  All information and fees are in the form itself.  Try to register before 6/15 to take advantage of the early bird discount.

NNJCA Chinese School will host a Culture Summer Camp at Chinese Christian Church of New Jersey (CCCNJ) between August 19 and August 23 2024 .  

There will be an early discount by the following date.

Please click the following icon for more information.

NNJCACS Summer Camp Flyer

For the school year of 2023 - 2024, NNJCACS plans to conduct two kinds of classes. These nine classes (including Zhuyin , 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, CSL-Beginner, CSL-Advanced, Karate, Art & Craft and Kid's Badminton)  will be "in-person" at Montville High School on September 10, 2023.  Some of the classes will be "hybrid" classes. 


The school intends to recruit more in-person teachers. Therefore, if there's any change in the above, the school will provide updates before the school year starts again.  We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.  

目前校方初步計劃新學年度2023 -2024 將採取兩種授課方式,年級包括 注音班 / 一年級  / 二年級  / 三年級 / 年級  / CSL-Beginner / CSL-Advanced / 空手道 / 手工藝 / 兒童羽球   將進入Montville High School 上"實體課",其他各班將延續 "線上課"


A day at NNJCA Chinese School

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